Teaching with Adults with Learning Disabilties
Ricardo has been teaching adults with learning disabilities for over ten years. He initially started working with Independence Homes - www.independencehomes.co.uk - with whom he stills works. He also now works with Consensus www.consensussupport.com, and CMG, Care Management Group – www.cmg.co.uk.
As well as teaching of spheres of art, from painting to model making, Ricardo also uses expressive arts, music and drama to bring out the very best potential from the adults. As a result, he has written two pantomimes, which the adults with both physical and neurological disabilities performed and produced.
Ricardo has full and comprehensive DBS checks (previously CRB checks) - GOV.UK www.gov.uk/disclosure-barring-service-check/overview Criminal Records Bureau ( CRB ) checks are now called Disclosure and Barring Service ( DBS ) checks.) for working with both vulnerable adults and children.