
Ricardo Insua-Cao S.Lm, has been a miniature painter since the age of 17. He was initially taught by Elizabeth Davis Wood M.B.E Founder of the Society of Limners. Afterwards he was taught by Michael Bartlett, VIce President of the Royal Miniature Society and Vice Presiedent of the Socety of Limners. He was elected as the youngest ever memeber of the Society of Limners at the age of 18.

In 2015, Ricardo in partnership with No. The Royal Crescent, Bath -, taught year 5 and 6 pupils how to paint miniatures, using Gainsbourgh as their inspiration. The project can be read about and seen at this link: Small Worlds Project

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  • Phone:
    07986 605 744
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  • Address:
    London & Northants
